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Genesis Robotics’ new discoveries set to disrupt the global robotics market
February 4, 2016

Vancouver BC: Genesis Robotics today announced three foundational discoveries that contribute to the development of its disruptive LiveDrive robotic actuator. “The combination of these discoveries creates a long list of benefits.” said Genesis Robotics Chief Technology Officer, James Klassen. “The most significant is a dramatic increase in speed and torque density. Increasing speed improves productivity, and increasing torque density allows the robot to stop much faster – increasing safety”.

Dramatic performance improvements in these areas will revolutionize the robotics industry and help to achieve our vision of faster, less expensive robots that can work safely, side by side, with humans.

The three foundational discoveries at the heart of the Genesis LiveDrive actuator include:

  • Magnetic force amplification that enables an unprecedented level of torque
  • Reimagined structural design that withstands extreme forces at a fraction of the weight and cost of conventional actuators
  • Thermodynamic innovations that allow much higher power density

“Traditional gearbox and drive belt actuators are holding back the entire robotics industry,” said Klassen.  “Existing direct drive actuators are too heavy to use in robotics. Combined, our three discoveries achieve a level of torque-to-weight that is significantly higher than any other direct drive motor on the market. We believe this will change the entire industry by allowing the LiveDrive to be used directly in the joints of robots without the need for expensive and complex gears, belts, or pulleys.”

Because LiveDrive does not require gears, belts or pulleys, it can stop or change direction extremely quickly – dramatically improving safely. Due to its simplicity and unique construction, it will be much more reliable and easy to manufacture. In fact, unlike conventional actuators, LiveDrive was designed to be manufactured by robots.

“The breakthroughs we are announcing today are an enormous achievement not only for Genesis and our 35-member discovery team, but for everyone who wants robots to reach their enormous potential, whether it’s in healthcare, manufacturing, or everyday life.” added Klassen.