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Genesis Advanced Technology spins out Genesis Robotics to create faster, safer robots
August 12, 2015

Vancouver, BC: A BC-based research organization announced today that it is spinning out a new company to commercialize a breakthrough in the $30-billion-a-year robotics industry. This new technology will create faster, safer, less expensive robots that can work safely with humans in manufacturing, home, health and military applications.

Genesis Advanced Technology has successfully developed a broad range of technologies in sectors such as oil and gas, medical devices, robotics, human performance, clean energy and the military. President Michael Gibney and Chief Technology Officer James Klassen will lead the new company, called Genesis Robotics.

The founders of Genesis Robotics recognize that the mechanical systems in robots have not kept up with the tremendous advancements in computer-based sensing and control.

“We have reimagined the way robots are powered and constructed,” said Klassen, a proven inventor who has over 30 international patents to his name in industries as diverse as health care, power generation and suspension design. “Our research has produced several fundamental discoveries which we’ve combined to create a new type of robotic actuator that we believe will transform the industry.”

Gibney, a super angel, has invested his own money, and more than $6 million in commitments from seed investors, into Genesis Robotics. Gibney and Klassen have hired a world class team of engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians to commercialize the technology.

“Launching Genesis Robotics is very exciting for us,” said Gibney. “We are passionate about innovation and developing products that will help change the world for the better. We believe the development of faster, safer robots will open up new markets that will serve and benefit mankind for generations to come.”

Gibney has funded and grown successful companies in clean energy, technology and wealth management. He is President and Founder at Covenant Family Wealth Advisors, which serves high net-worth clients and provides counsel on business strategies and governance models.